How To Create The Very Best Strategy For Your Ultimate Marketing Success [PART 2]
Here’s Step 2 to develop your most effective marketing strategy: Establish a Hypothesis What you have to do is to establish a hypothesis i.e. your offer to the market. Your hypothesis is the assumption that your research will test. Let me explain with some examples. Case Study: Domino’s Pizza In the early […]
How To Create The Very Best Strategy For Your Ultimate Marketing Success (PART 1)
Introduction Fact: Having a solid marketing strategy is your “first-class ticket” to sustained business success. More than anything else, a Master Marketing Strategy is what distinguishes the most successful businesses – in terms of growth, revenues, profits, brand awareness, and staying power. Why? Because very, very few businesses have a marketing strategy AT […]
Your Key To Riches: Front End Versus Back End Marketing
A fundamental marketing concept that most businesses completely overlook is that of Lifetime Value. Simply put, the true value of acquiring a new customer is not just the income derived from their first purchase from you, but the total value of their purchases over the period that they continue doing business with you. […]
4 More Low Cost or Zero Cost Ways To Improve Your Marketing Results…
OK, following on from my last post, here are four more highly effective marketing strategies to help grow your business. Whilst these tips and examples come from different industries – the real value comes from YOU adapting and tweaking these ideas to work for your specific business. In case you missed them, the […]
7 Low Cost or Zero Cost Ways To Improve Your Marketing Results, Starting Today (Part 1)
There’s a thousand-and-one ways to grow any business. The problem with all this choice is to figure out what might work, and what won’t. In the absence of any guaranteed 100% correct answer to this question, there is usually only one outcome. Procrastination. (“Because I’m not sure of what to do next in my […]