Time to reinvent your business?
Do you ever feel like your business is ‘stuck in a rut’? Well, today I want to talk to you about 6 TELL-TALE SIGNS that are saying perhaps it’s time for some changes in your business… TELL-TALE NUMBER 1. Are You marketing in exactly the same way as you did six-months or a year […]
Successful businesses have an End Goal – Do You?
I don’t know about you, but I see this New Year as full of opportunities and promise! And I hope that like me you’re feeling excited, confident and bullish about your future. Like most people, now is the time of year that I (with the help of my team) re-visit our marketing strategy and activity […]
The Ultimate Secret To Success and Wealth In Business
Many business owners remain in a business because they need or enjoy the money. Others start a business because they predict that the product or service is a good potential money maker. “What’s wrong with that?” I hear many of you shout! Nearly all entrepreneurs start their business with success and wealth in mind, and […]
Can You Tell Me What The Primary Purpose Of Your Business Is?
Well that’s pretty obvious isn’t it? If you’re like the vast majority of other business owners and professionals on this planet, then you’ll be thinking that the primary purpose of your business is to make money… But I disagree. And I’m now going to explain how this belief is probably why many businesses fail (or […]