Lead Generation
Your offer + Targeted traffic → Your landing page.
Here’s how to do it…
Here’s a quick over-view of a time-proven lead generation and business growth system.
It’s based around a sequence of six steps…
Step 1: Understand how your prospects are thinking and how they buy. Your marketing and all your messages have to be all about them, and not about you and how wonderful or professional you are.
You’ll also need to position yourself and your business as a true expert and authority in your field. You do this by giving away your knowledge and expertise, and demonstrating how you solve the problems commonly faced by your ideal prospects.
This has the effect of drawing your ideal prospects to you, rather than you having to chase them. It will also completely change the dynamics of the sales process in your favour, because prospects will actually respect and revere you for your level of knowledge and expertise.
Step 2: is about accurately targeting and delivering your sales messages, and doing this cost-effectively.
The fact is, that all the ideal prospects you could ever want are using social media platforms such as facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter (and also the Google search engine) every single day. By creating information-rich posts and placing them in the newsfeeds of your ideal prospects using these pay-per-click platforms, this means you only ever pay for results, unlike conventional advertising.
Step 3: In these advertising posts, you will be identifying the biggest problems faced by your prospects, and then offering a solution via highly valuable resources which your prospects will be very keen to access. This could be a Video or webinar, a special report or checklist, a series of case studies, recorded interviews or other information that delivers a solution to their problem.
Step 4: At the end of your free resource e.g. the webinar, video or report you provide, you offer the prospect the opportunity to apply for a one-on-one consultation with you, in the form of a ‘Strategy Session’ or ‘Discovery Call’ or ‘Health-check’. The benefit for the prospect is to help them to get absolute clarity and focus about their current situation.
(Your business model may mean that you need to offer a free audit or survey or some other form of next step, but the key is that your offer is not available without prospects having to apply and qualify for your time).
Prospects have to apply for the session by completing an application form, and not all of them will be accepted by you.
Step 5: is to conduct the consultation, and again the content of this is absolutely critical to your success. You will understand the methodologies to follow and the exact wording to use so that you can effortlessly enroll large numbers of new Clients into your business, whilst charging higher prices than you’ve ever done before.
Step 6: This is all about your follow-up. Ideally there are only two outcomes to your consultation – you either accept the new client, or they’re not suitable and you decline them. However, if your prospect requires more information, or needs to get agreement from other Directors, then you will implement a ready-prepared follow-up sequence to convert these remaining prospects into profitable clients.
This sequence will include your web site, email marketing and videos, and in some instances, offline methods also.
If you are keen to see how this system can be applied to your specific business, please get in touch, and we’ll take you through a short application process, and see if we can help you.