The 7 Marketing Strategies That Make All The Difference Part IV

Regardless of whether you sell products or services, offline, online, or a combination of both, there are seven strategies which could substantially increase your results providing you apply them to your business!
The first three strategies have been sent to you already. If you missed them click on the links here which will take you through to them
Click here to read Stratgey #1
Click here to read Strategy #2
Click here to read Strategy #3
Here’s the 4th strategy ……
Make Your Marketing Messages
Come Alive!
If you find yourself taking most advertising claims with a large pinch of salt, or if you wonder why nobody seems to be taking any notice of your marketing efforts, perhaps the answer lies in this one word: Specifics!
The famous marketing master Claude Hopkins said,
“Platitudes and generalities roll off the human understanding like water from a duck. They leave no impression whatever.”
In fact, he realised that getting specific in your sales messages was so important to generating profitable results that he devoted a whole chapter to the subject, in his outstanding book called ‘Scientific Advertising’.
Specific statements work because they come alive in the minds of the reader. They can “see” what you’re saying. And your writing will be more believable.
Let me give you an example……
A few years ago I worked with an electronic document management company. They originally used copy in a mailer which said,
“It’s incredibly easy to use. It ties in with your current computer systems.
And it normally pays for itself within six months.”
But by digging deeper, we were able to create specific messaging about how cost effective the software was saying:
“Discover how dozens of other Accountants are removing mundane paper processes, and seeing productivity improvements of up to 23%…..… with fast and simple document management which costs from under £1 per user, per day.”
Can you see how much more powerful and believable this second statement is?
In your marketing, you’ve got to get specific!
And another great way of doing this is to use the specific results that you’ve delivered for your existing clients.
For example, we’ve helped a company send a series of three sales letters which focused on the savings their clients had achieved by using their services. We included two or three specific examples in each letter.
The sales copy detailed the total costs of dealing direct with a major competitor was £50,804, compared to £18,033 using our clients services, delivering savings of £32,771. You can’t get much more specific than that!
The result of the campaign was new business with six different major clients, worth hundreds of thousands of pounds in the first year alone (and as an indication of how this kind of fact-based marketing can work, his company turnover increased by £850,00 in that year).
So the next time you write an email article, sales letter, advert or web page, look for opportunities where you can be more specific regarding some of your statements and claims.
The credibility of your copy will improve dramatically, you’ll involve your prospects more, and you’ll reap the rewards.