7 Success Secrets for Profitable Email Marketing Part 5

Design—Don’t Turn Your Email
Into a Visual Circus;
Remember…Less Is More
This is the fifth of 7 articles which reveals the secrets to my email marketing success over the years.
If you’re struggling to get a response to your emails, these 7 Success Secrets will make an immediate difference to your open rates and response.
Here are some Do’s and Don’ts to get your design right.
- Make the focal point of your email message obvious. Consciously decide and design where you want your reader’s eye to travel.
- Design emails to be viewed in the prospect’s preview window. You have five inches or less in which to squeeze your best content or offer. But be careful not to try and squeeze everything but the kitchen sink into this space, obviously resulting in a confusing email. Position your logo so it has discreet visual impact.
- Reinforce navigational cues by stating the wanted action, such as “Click Here”, “Go” or “Buy Now”, etc. Don’t assume the reader knows to click on an embedded hyperlink link or graphic.
- Don’t use too many exclamation points or red type. The spam filters don’t like them, and the effectiveness of the color red is debatable
- Don’t use “reverse type” for your copy. Except in a small graphic element, it’s extremely hard to read white letters on a colored or black background.
Previous emails have revealed the first 4 Success Secrets. If you’ve missed them, here are the links:
The first article was about targeting who you send your emails to
Click here if you missed it >>>
My second secret was about making sure your content and communication is highly relevant and valuable to your reader
Click here if you missed it >>>
The third secret was about the length of your emails.
Click here if you missed it >>
Look out for the 5th Success Secret that will be sent to your inbox next week
If you feel your email marketing could be more profitable, I invite you to send a selection of your current emails for a free review. To apply email sally@common-sense-marketing.com with subject line ‘Free Email Review’ and she will contact you.