7 Success Secrets for Profitable Email Marketing Part 3
Keep your emails short
and packed with value
The length of your email could determine whether your prospect decides to read it or not!
The general guide is to keep them short and packed with value. Unless you are introducing a complicated product that you know your email recipient is likely to be interested in, shorter email copy is more likely to be read and acted upon
in the first instance.
Small chunks of information are more digestible than a 2,000-word article. When it comes to straightforward offers, shorter is usually better.
When it comes to informational and educational content, readers typically have a greater attention span.
Use multiple calls to action as recipients often scan chunks of an email. Put your call-to-actions in multiple locations and this will improve your click-through rate.
No matter how good your content is it can often be over shadowed if you have glaring errors such as poor spelling or links that don’t work.
Here are some simple rules which help this happening to you:
Don’t wait until the last minute to produce your email communications.
Build up your inventory with offers and “evergreen” content ready for use. “Evergreen” content is not time sensitive so it can be scheduled and produced months in advance. Create a resources file of items, articles and topics that you can use for prompts, inspiration and relevant content ideas.
Always do a dry run.
Before you send your email or newsletter, send it to yourself and your colleagues to make sure everything runs smoothly.
Be sure to:
Check for proper grammar and spelling, and get someone else with fresh eyes to check it as well.
Check that all links are working correctly.
Don’t send too them often.
In many cases, too much frequency can depress response rates and increase unsubscribes. People are overwhelmed with the number of email messages they receive daily. In addition, they are inundated with direct mail, telemarketing, print magazines, and TV ads and will only pay close attention to what is immediately important. Your enemy is the delete key; make every word and graphic work hard to deliver value to the reader.
Did you miss the first two secrets?
This is the 3rd of 7 articles which reveals the secrets to my email marketing success over the years.
If you’re struggling to get a response to your emails, my Success Secrets will help you to make an immediate difference to your open rates and response.
If you missed the first article about targeting who you send your emails to.. click here>>>
My second secret to Email Marketing Success is all about making sure your content and communication is…… Click here to read on >>>
If you feel your email marketing could be more profitable, I invite you to send a selection of your current emails for a free review. To apply email sally@common-sense-marketing.com with subject line ‘Free Email Review’ and she will contact you.