7 Success Secrets for Profitable Email Marketing Part 6

Test Everything!
This is the sixth of 7 articles which reveals the secrets to my email marketing success over the years.
If you’re struggling to get a response to your emails, these 7 Success Secrets will make an immediate difference to your open rates and response.
As you start to become more expert with your email marketing, and build up a larger and larger contact list, it’s time to take advantage of the major benefits that testing offers.
Test your subject header, your content, your offer, your pricing, your call to action, delivery days and times.
Get the most mileage out of your email marketing efforts by tracking everything you can, and then improving on those results.
Improving your results online is a very attractive proposition because you can do it faster, cheaper and often more efficiently than in offline media.
Some firms find sending email on Mondays works best for them, while others discover it’s better to send later in the week. Much depends on your target audience and the purpose of your email messages.
- Consider everything you do as a test. Even a successful campaign is a test on its way to providing more input to you for the next campaign.
- When launching and testing a new campaign or newsletter, make sure you measure open rates and any click-through rates from links within the email. This will establish your “control” or benchmark. Thereafter, you are always trying to beat the performance of this control.
- Use “split copy testing.” Send one offer worded in a certain way to part of your list and the same offer worded differently to another part of your list and see which does better. Try to do it at the same point in time so results reflect similar market conditions. You then roll-out the best-performing version to the remainder of your list.
- Don’t ignore the benefits of using a third party supplier to do your email broadcasting. You’ll find that most reputable applications are easy to use, and provide automatic delivery of html and text versions of your email. Plus they provide instant tracking of your campaign open and click-through rates.
- Two companies we have used in the past year and would recommend are mailchimp (mailchimp.com) and dotmailer (dotmail.com)
Have you missed the first 5 secrets?
The first article was about targeting who you send your emails to
Click here if you missed it >>>
My second secret was about making sure your content and communication is highly relevant and valuable to your reader
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The third secret was about the length of your emails.
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The fourth secret was all about getting the look and feel of your email right.
Click here if you missed it >>>
The fifth secret contains the do’s and dont’s of email design
Click here if you missed it >>>
Look out for the Final Success Secret that will be sent to your inbox next week
If you feel your email marketing could be more profitable, I invite you to send a selection of your current emails for a free review. To apply email sally@common-sense-marketing.com with subject line ‘Free Email Review’ and she will contact you.