7 Success Secrets for Profitable Email Marketing Part 7

This is the seventh of 7 articles which reveals the secrets to my email marketing success over the years.
If you’re struggling to get a response to your emails, these 7 Success Secrets will make an immediate difference to your open rates and response.
What to Expect After You Hit “Send”.
It’s always exciting monitoring the launch of an email campaign using the on-screen web interface of your email broadcast provider, because it’s happening in real time.
Your open rates will indicate how successful your subject header is whilst your click-throughs will tell you how interesting your offer or content was to your reader.
Expect to see at least six kinds of responses as soon as you hit the “Send” button.
Valid responses: These most important, non-automated replies are from real people requesting specific information or action on your part.
Hard bounces: These are abandoned email addresses. Delete them from your email list.
Soft bounces: These are typically mailboxes that are full and can’t accept any new inbound emails. Leave these email addresses on your list for the time being. If the same soft bounces occur regularly, then delete those addresses as well.
Spam filter rejections: These messages tell you your email has not been delivered.
Spam filter messages: Pay attention to these messages because they tell you why your email has been filtered out. Some spam notifications will actually give you their rating system and show you the words that sent you over the allowable threshold. You may want to avoid some of these words in the future in order to stay under that threshold.
“Out of office” replies: Be prepared to receive many of these replies, especially around holidays.
Reserve judgment on the success of your email campaign for at least a few days. Many people do not read email communications immediately. Recipients often put new emails in a “read” folder for review days later.
Don’t feel bad when people unsubscribe. If the number suddenly increases above your average, pay attention, because there was probably something that people didn’t like in that last communication. Think of unsubscribes as a way to keep your database updated and clean.
This is the last article in this series, if you have missed any of the previous ones here are the links.
The first article was about targeting who you send your emails to
Click here if you missed it >>>
My second secret was about making sure your content and communication is highly relevant and valuable to your reader
Click here if you missed it >>>
The third secret was about the length of your emails.
Click here if you missed it >>>
The fourth secret was all about getting the look and feel of your email right.
Click here if you missed it >>>
The fifth secret contains the do’s and dont’s of email design
Click here if you missed it >>>
The sixth secret advises you to test everything to get the best results you can
Click here if you missed it >>>
If you feel your email marketing could be more profitable, I invite you to send a selection of your current emails for a free review. To apply email sally@common-sense-marketing.com with subject line ‘Free Email Review’ and she will contact you.